Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.5 Language ReferenceSystem Tables → RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES
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RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES stores the SQL access privileges for Firebird users and privileged objects.

Column Name Data Type Description
RDB$USER CHAR(31) The user or object that is granted this privilege
RDB$GRANTOR CHAR(31) The user who grants the privilege
RDB$PRIVILEGE CHAR(6) The privilege granted hereby:
A - all (all privileges)
S - select (selecting data)
I - insert (inserting rows)
D - delete (deleting rows)
R - references (foreign key)
U - update (updating data)
E - executing (procedure)
RDB$GRANT_OPTION SMALLINT Whether the WITH GRANT OPTION authority is included with the privilege:
1 - included
0 - not included
RDB$RELATION_NAME CHAR(31) The name of the object (table, view, procedure or role) the privilege is granted ON
RDB$FIELD_NAME CHAR(31) The name of the column the privilege is applicable to, for a column-level privilege (an UPDATE or REFERENCES privilege)
RDB$USER_TYPE SMALLINT Identifies the type of user the privilege is granted TO (a user, a procedure, a view, etc.)
RDB$OBJECT_TYPE SMALLINT Identifies the type of the object the privilege is granted ON

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.5 Language ReferenceSystem Tables → RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES